Chottu runs Bhavana
general stores, which is located round the corner from where we live. It is a mid-sized grocery and general shop that sells everything from milk to mosquito repellants that one would need
to run a day to day household, all under one roof.
This is a neighbourhood that has seen abundance of construction and new development in the last 3-4
years thanks to being close to the Information technology hub.
Chottu’s uncles and
relatives run many grocery shops all
around the city. When Chottu’s uncle invested in Bhavana general stores, the
only customers around the place were construction workers who had pitched their
tents and lived on the daily wages building out the apartment complexes and houses in
the vacant plots of land around the locality. That was almost eight to ten years ago.
The business model was simple. Staples like rice, wheat flour, oil and pulses were available in as little quantities as was required for two square meals a day till the next daily wage arrived. Occasional credit was given if the customer found himself out of work for a day or two due to illness or some other interruption. The margins were obscenely high when you convert wholesale prices to retail prices in this kind of a business model.
Over the last few
years, the constructions took shape and landscape changed. Dotted with
Apartments and some independent houses this concrete jungle is now a highly
sought after locality to rent and buy for the new immigrants who make a living working in the Information technology and Business process outsourcing outfits situated just a few kilometers away from Bhavana general stores.
Chottu, unlike what
his name suggests is no more the adolescent boy that he was when he freshly
arrived in Bangalore from his home-town in Gujarat after failing his class ten examination. He grew up along with the city. A little too soon and at a frenzied pace. Over the years, his uncle who had invested in the shop and set it up, decided to hand over Bhavana general stores’ proprietorship to him as a
part of his family obligation.
Their's is an extended family of five brothers. Chottu’s father, the eldest among them trades in wholesale pulses market at the Agricultural produce market corporation ( APMC) in Navi Mumbai. He procures his wholesale produce from Traders who procure them from farmers in Gujarat. His brothers and their families are scattered all over India especially in bigger cities. Chottu’s uncle is the youngest of the five brothers.
Instinctively sensing the impending development, the family sent his uncle to Bangalore much before it was coined the silicon valley of the east. Over the years many of Chottu’s cousins have apprenticed under him running grocery shops of similar kinds all over Bangalore much the same way his other cousins have taken over or expanded family business from their fathers, uncles and other relatives. Theirs is a close knit large family with firm traditional roots in this business.
Their's is an extended family of five brothers. Chottu’s father, the eldest among them trades in wholesale pulses market at the Agricultural produce market corporation ( APMC) in Navi Mumbai. He procures his wholesale produce from Traders who procure them from farmers in Gujarat. His brothers and their families are scattered all over India especially in bigger cities. Chottu’s uncle is the youngest of the five brothers.
Instinctively sensing the impending development, the family sent his uncle to Bangalore much before it was coined the silicon valley of the east. Over the years many of Chottu’s cousins have apprenticed under him running grocery shops of similar kinds all over Bangalore much the same way his other cousins have taken over or expanded family business from their fathers, uncles and other relatives. Theirs is a close knit large family with firm traditional roots in this business.
There are few
customers of Bhavana’s who are now construction workers. Most of them have
moved away to other construction sites after construction work dried up over
here. In keeping with times Bhavana has
also changed its looks and the way it deals with customers.
About half a kilometer from the corner where Bhavana general stores is located, is Hypercity, the one of its kind supermarket that stocks up international brand items including packaged foods from the Marks and Spencer. When we moved into this locality and were looking out for a place to shop for our monthly groceries the choice was between Reliance fresh, Hypercity and Bhavana general stores. While I would have chosen a Reliance fresh, if not Hypercity, my family chose Bhavana General stores.
My folks are a product of the 1970’s India when being frugal was not so uncool, but a necessity. Knowing something about the economics behind big retail business of the supermarket chains I have tried convincing them on this matter. I have tried talking them out to understand that it is a myth that a big supermarket like Hypercity or Reliance fresh would sell their products any more expensive than Bhavana general stores. If anything, their mass volumes made up for their bargaining power with suppliers and things were bound to be cheaper in supermarkets than at small corner shops like Bhavana’s.
About half a kilometer from the corner where Bhavana general stores is located, is Hypercity, the one of its kind supermarket that stocks up international brand items including packaged foods from the Marks and Spencer. When we moved into this locality and were looking out for a place to shop for our monthly groceries the choice was between Reliance fresh, Hypercity and Bhavana general stores. While I would have chosen a Reliance fresh, if not Hypercity, my family chose Bhavana General stores.
My folks are a product of the 1970’s India when being frugal was not so uncool, but a necessity. Knowing something about the economics behind big retail business of the supermarket chains I have tried convincing them on this matter. I have tried talking them out to understand that it is a myth that a big supermarket like Hypercity or Reliance fresh would sell their products any more expensive than Bhavana general stores. If anything, their mass volumes made up for their bargaining power with suppliers and things were bound to be cheaper in supermarkets than at small corner shops like Bhavana’s.
Like with many other
things we have agreed to disagree on
matters where we think it is a ’generation gap’, with them firmly rooted in
their age old wisdom and me in my new age thinking of how things will come to
shape over the next few years in a more 'modern' and 'liberalized' India.
Chottu delivered our
monthly groceries at home this afternoon as unfailingly as he does on the first
of every month after he is handed over a hand written list jotted down by my
mother in the morning when my father ventures out for his morning walk.
I ask him about what
he thinks about the foreign direct investment in the retail sector and its impact
on small traders like him.
In what ensued to be a long conversation after that, was a much more insightful than what I had come to believe reading half a dozen business magazines covering the pros and cons of Foreign Direct invstment in the retail sector in India.
In what ensued to be a long conversation after that, was a much more insightful than what I had come to believe reading half a dozen business magazines covering the pros and cons of Foreign Direct invstment in the retail sector in India.
For starters I did not realize that Chottu could have been known by a more formal and respectable name like
Suresh Aggarwal. Every time I
accompanied my mother for her ad hoc grocery shopping, she always reprimanded
Chottu for this and that… for not stocking up her favorite brand of incense sticks or for not attending to
her as quickly as he could have instead of ranting over on his mobile phone
ever since he got engaged, for keeping his shop closed on every amavasya ( new
moon day) without caring for lost
business or for not keeping a strict vigil on the boys who worked in his shop (
there were many more Chottu’s who were now his understudy). He was not the one to take her ranting as serious customer feedback. Rather he
behaved as though he was used to reprimands and nudges from matronly middle aged
women who were old enough to be his mothers.
Suresh and the rest of
the Aggarwal clan believe that while the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) may change the retail landscape in
India, it doesn’t worry them and they are confident their business model will
survive. He went on further to
say that the members of Aggarwal clan go out to survey products and costs at
the supermarkets all over the city. While big brand Supermarkets like Reliance fresh or
Big bazaar give the customer big discounts on onions and potatoes or other
such frequently purchased items, they make up for it by inflating the cost of
oil, pulses and grains like rice and wheat. The not so smart customer remembers the price of onions and
potatoes she bought last week, but tends to forget the cost of Toor dal,
tamarind and Atta, wheat flour that she stocked up last month.
That is a trick game small traders like the Aggarwals need to fight with the onslaught of Retail giants like big bazaar and Reliance fresh and the likes of Wal-Mart. I can understand Reliance and Big bazaar, but I was intrigued that a 10th class drop out and a small time grocer would mention the US retail giant Wal-Mart in his conversation. Wal-Mart is not even an existing retail brand in India with a direct presence at this point in time although it is supposed to have big plans for the future. He then went on to explain how small time Grocers like him differentiate themselves from the supermarkets.
That is a trick game small traders like the Aggarwals need to fight with the onslaught of Retail giants like big bazaar and Reliance fresh and the likes of Wal-Mart. I can understand Reliance and Big bazaar, but I was intrigued that a 10th class drop out and a small time grocer would mention the US retail giant Wal-Mart in his conversation. Wal-Mart is not even an existing retail brand in India with a direct presence at this point in time although it is supposed to have big plans for the future. He then went on to explain how small time Grocers like him differentiate themselves from the supermarkets.
Hyper city that is
just 700 meters away from Bhavana, and is located on the main road where you could only shop if you got your car
because no residential complex exists in its vicinity. Not all people own cars
and not all people who own cars might want to take their cars out to buy
themselves some adrak-mirchi, ginger and chilly- the daily grocery needs of an Indian household from a supermarket like Hypercity.
'At 7.00 am in the
morning when hypercity’s shutters are still down for stock taking, people like
‘Sir’( pointing to my father) come
to our shop to buy doodh-dahi – adrak – mirchi. ( milk, yogurt, ginger, chilies
-everyday items in an Indian household) .This is how we establish customer relations. Once a customer trust is established and they
understand the value of the relationship, our business with the customer is a
repeat business'.
The Aggarwal’s or
other people who are into this business open their corner shops very early in emerging localities and neighbourhoods where a supermarket will not venture for at least ten years into the future. They also study the people who live in that area and choose to open their shops in
what economists would categorize as an area with a demographic
profile of lower middle class / below poverty line people. As affluence starts kicking in, they would temporarily loose some of their market share from the regular customers to big retail giants, but sooner or later these customers would come
back to them.
There exists an
abundance of population in this country that would do business with small shops
because their prices are competitive and they are friendlier. By 'friendly' one assumes
he means flexibility with credit that shopkeepers like him would extend to
customers, affluent or otherwise which a more formal set up of a supermarket
cannot afford to extend.
I ask Suresh, if he
was not concerned about the muscle power of huge capital infusion that the retail giants could command that would help them
with mass procurement and seamless supply chain networks. It would enable them to bargain and
get deep discounts directly from manufacturers, traders and farmers.
He answered saying all
the money that they would save by direct dealing with wholesalers would get
spent on overheads such as an air-conditioned infrastructure, modern management consultants and their hefty salaries, the inexperienced till boys and
girls they employ, huge advertisements they need to put up inorder to stay on top and other overheads required to run a supermarket chain.
I get a feeling he was
being Naïve and his explanation too simplistic. But soon realized it could just be his lack of articulation. After all he comes from a family of
traditional businessmen whose diaspora is spread out and firmly connected all across
the world.
He went on to add that
small shops like his, can afford to remain competitive with their retail prices
because of their family and clan networks that enables them to have the supply
chain linked directly with traders and producers. While his father trades wholesale at the newly set-up APMC in New Bombay, his grandfather and his great grandfather traded wholesale at the old Crawford market of what was then called Bombay. Since the last generation the family wholesale business decided to venture out into retail. It is thus that his uncles and other relatives set out and established small retail shops and retailed all over the country. Their shops may
be small, but the collective worth of their business is certainly not.
I asked him if he
would mind if I took a photograph of him for a blog that I was writing. On noticing that he was very obligingly posing
for my camera, my mother chided him saying his wife was going to give him
good when she saw his photograph on the internet.
It took me back in time. Many times when that
sullen, battered woman who swiped my card at the till in the supermarket
before finalizing my purchases and wished me a mechanical ‘good day Ms. Gopal’ after reading my name on my credit card with
a practiced smile, I would smile back at her, quickly read the name tag on her
uniform and reply thank you <name tag> …
depending on what the name tag read.
I now realize that, meaningful customer relationships could run far deeper than that and that it is'nt any modern management practice after all. Its has deep roots in the traditional set-up and the very make-up of this intricate, complex but seemingly primitive economy and it is not
going to be easy to break that away any time soon.
I didn't think Grocer would count as an unusal occupation... but then Ir read your post and now I see what you mean :)
ReplyDelete@TarkabarkaHolgy from
The Multicolored Diary
This was very insightful and sweet in a way. Hope he doesn't get in trouble with being on the internet
ReplyDeleteNot original and not at all unusual! I did not read - is there any change from the original one?
ReplyDeleteWill you please add a 'repeat alert' next time!