Been there done that ...
It has been a crazy busy year.
My A to Z theme is normally conceived a few months after I
close on the previous one and gets a
shape and form over several months before the theme reveal in March.
This year I have been on an overdrive at work and I was beginning to fear that the creative
side of my brain was possibly dead.
And here I am in the month of March, determined not to give
up on this year’s challenge.
This will be my fourth one in a row if I make it.
2014 - No theme
2015- Four Generations:Three continents : Two world wars : One village
2016 - Unusual Occupations
2017 - Been there, Done that ...
Truth be told and I had no theme in mind and was going to
let it pass.
Off late I have been day
dreaming of retiring from the cubicle jungle and travel the world.
( I can see some of your skeptical smiles out there … oh well … we are all entitled to
dream are’nt we !!! )
On a serious note while the Practical and Reasoning head has been at logger heads with the just- go- out-and-do-it heart, I stumbled upon photographs from the past and
my almost dead creative wings started fluttering.
After all I have done
some fair bit of travelling , taken tons of photographs,all only to be tucked into that Google drive and
my own hard disk. It was time to uncover
the digital dust on the photographs and let my creative juices flow.
So here I am bravely announcing my theme for the A to Z
Been there, Done that ...
It is a travelogue of sorts – reminiscing little stories and
anecdotes that happened along the various travels through the last 14 years.
Been there Done that …
The posts will appear in alphabetic order but the travelogue
does not follow any such order.
It flits from Platform nine and three quarters and kings
cross in London to Musings across the Manhattan skyline sometimes just to fit the
alphabetic order.
From an early morning Malai makhan in Benares to the joy of eating fresh and raw Zuchini in an antique
market in Florence , these are the not so interesting gastronomic
adventures of a starved vegetarian
travelling across the world.
Stay tuned for more ... on the 1st of April.